
Nachdem sie die Möglichkeit hatten, das Abbott Free Style Libre System zur kontinuierlichen Blutzuckermessung (CGM) zu testen, kommen die Patienten einer nach dem anderen zurück, um über ihre Erfahrungen mit dem System zu berichten.

Eine gute Sache bei meinen Diabetes-Aktivitäten ist, dass ich dadurch ländliche Gegenden kennenlerne, in die ich unter normalen Umständen niemals sehen würde: GBOTO-KOISSIDAMÉ.

Der Weltdiabetestag 2022 ist gekommen und gegangen. Zwar war ich dieses Mal nicht persönlich anwesend, aber die Opportunitätskosten des Fluges wurden in die Bereitstellung von Materialien für die Veranstaltung investiert.

-------------------------------Hello beautiful people. I have not really being 'hibernating'. Instead I have being working hard, saving money and collecting materials for my next trip. In Feb. 2018, I was ready enough to honor yet another invitation from "AIDES MEDICALES ET CHARITE (AMC)_Togo.

We drove off from Lomé at 5:30am and because of bad road we got there 7:30. The hall, tables and chairs were already set and some people were already waiting. Later chief of the village came and after the normal protocol, declared the activity open.

The way I am treading on my diabetes program, I guess should make me call this phase "exploration of Diabetes Milky Way" in my West African region. A friend of mine, a diabetologist, as well as the director of an ONG, considered it necessary to invite me to visit him in Parakou (after receiving on several occasions, diabetes materials like Insulin, Metformin, Teststrips/meters, etc) from me.

Right now I have no better way to describe this Trip.
After 5 months of part-time jobbing, saving and collecting materials, I was able to buy my flight ticket and other needed materials for the trip.

BERLIN♡GERMANY Diabetes Congress 2018. "He who ever stops learning, will become rusticated faster than he would believe" This Diabetes Congress is held annually and there is a reason for that. Among others... "

DIABETES SCREENING IN A CHURCH AT ABAGANA/ANAMBRA STATE NIGERIA: As I came back to Germany on Sunday (29.04.18) after a 3-week diabetes Program in Nigeria, I remembered and reflected on the say "Little drops of water make a mighty ocean".

In an interview in the online magazine Blood Sugar Lounge, Tsotso reports on her commitment to people with diabetes in Togo.